2021- A turning point for tackling climate change.


2020 indeed was a great year which taught us how fragile and helpless we are in front of the power of nature. 2021 came with new hope of vaccination against the Corona Virus. 2021 is a special year for one more reason. In 2015 world leaders gathered in Paris in Glasgow for discussing climate change. A climate conference in which various countries put forward their strategies to cut down carbon emission. In 2021, again in the same place in Paris we are uniting for the next climate conference. 

Climate change should definitely be the topic to discuss after this pandemic. Climate change is real , it is happening around us. The flood, the drought, and the unbearable hot climate, all are results of climate change. We all can do our part. Let us plant more trees. Afforestation is the  key to tackle climate change. It is high time to shift to the use of renewable energy sources. Solar energy is the most underrated energy source in the universe today. The growth of companies like Tesla in recent days indicate the change in mentality of people towards more sustainable and Eco-friendly approaches. 

We never thought that a day will come where we all will have to wear a mask in public. It is not so far that we all will have to carry an oxygen cylinder too. Lets be more aware and educated about this. Let us teach the next generation to respect and protect nature. We can leave this planet with less carbon footprint. Let's live gently

            " We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change. We are the last generation that can do something about it. We only get one home. We only get one Planet. There is no plan B"

                                                                       - Barack Obama-

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